A Few Funny Headline Ideas For Future Articles

Darrin Atkins
2 min readJan 7, 2021

I wonder if these headline ideas could work for an article or story

Photo by Thomas Charters on Unsplash

I often think about how important a headline is for an online story. You can find all kinds of advice on this topic. Most of the guidance seems to suggest that headlines can be very helpful indeed, so long as they are appropriate and not too outrageous.

I don’t spend nearly enough time thinking about the headlines for my articles on the internet. I know I should do so, but it takes so much work.

I wonder if these headlines might be of some use for me one day.

  • Four Forks Found On Friday Help Family Find Fellowship
  • Man With Beard Buys Beer At Pier
  • Hiccuping Horatio Helps Hornet In A Hurry
  • Bulldozer Driver Dozing Downtown Denies Doing Donuts
  • Bowling Betty Bitten By Bug
  • Drunk Skunk Punked By Hunk
  • Lady Lost Lucky Linoleum
  • Soprano Singer Mistaken For Soprano Actress At Baritone Bar
  • Bank Account Overdrawn By Underage Overachiever
  • Cookie Crumbs Horse Wins Last Race At First Annual Mudder Race Track
  • Hellish Embellishment By Ted Todd Townes At Reddish Tavern



Darrin Atkins

Medium writer and content producer. Tips and ideas for writing success. Suggestions for you to make more money this year. Ways to get inspired to write more now