Did You Get Ghosted?

Darrin Atkins
Feb 6, 2022


Don’t stress to much about it

Photo credit: Darrin Atkins

Do you ever reach out to someone by phone, text or email but never hear back at all?

You could have been ghosted. That’s when someone disappears altogether.

Have you been ghosted lately? If so, you might be experiencing a range of emotions.

It’s okay to be frustrated and concerned. Your feelings are valid.

Just give the person some time. If you care about them and know that they always respond at some time, just relax and wait.

After all, good friends are hard to find. Your pal might be on vacation or maybe they just missed your message.

Life happens fast. Think about how much your friend or companion means to you.

Give them some time to get back to you. Good things come to those who wait.



Darrin Atkins

Medium writer and content producer. Tips and ideas for writing success. Suggestions for you to make more money this year. Ways to get inspired to write more now