Don’t Ever Throw Blackberries At Cars

Darrin Atkins
2 min readSep 10, 2020

Fruit is for eating, not playing

Photo by Don Lu on Unsplash

One time when I was young, my brother and I were bored. We lived out in the middle of nowhere and often there just wasn’t anything to do. Nothing at all.

I would like that again, you know, to be bored and have long stretches of days and weeks when you could play in fields and just have fun.

“Let’s go get some blackberries," I said as we walked along a long dirt road.

We found the wild blackberry bushes and went to the other side of them, where we could get the biggest blackberries. We ate a lot.

“Look at that big truck," said my older brother.

I grabbed some more blackberries and marveled to myself how their color was leaking onto my hands.

“I have an idea," he said. “Let’s see if we can hit the cars as they come by with blackberries."

“I don’t know," I said

“Don’t worry. They can’t see us because we are hiding back here behind the blackberry bushes.

“Okay," I said.

So we waited and then whenever a car or truck came by, we would toss a blackberry and try to hit the vehicle. It was wrong, of course.



Darrin Atkins

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