Member-only story
Get On The Medium Writing Express Train To Success
Hop aboard and join others today and see so many beautiful sights along the way
If you are thinking about becoming a writer on Medium, hop aboard!
The Medium express train is getting ready for you. Pack your bags for a fun-filled literary journey around the world.
You will be welcomed above the Medium train and other writers will be waiting to socialize with you over you find your seat.
I hope you have an open ticket because you may not want to return to the regular days before you took this train. No need to even pick a destination because it’s fun to let the adventures find you while you ride the Medium express train.
Tips for the Train
Here are some general guidelines once you have left the station.
- Write about your adventures. This is crucial, as your readers and to know what you have to say with your content.
- Use photos and artwork. Life is more fun with interesting images so choose carefully and have fun.
- Mingle and socialize. You will never know about the swashbuckling memoirist or overwhelmed nihilist in the next cabin, so do take the time to make friends and create connections.
- Work hard at writing. Money goes to where the…