Keep Your Dreams Alive Every Way That You Possibly Can On This Earth Planet

Darrin Atkins
2 min readApr 30, 2024

Never give up on yourself and your future because you deserve to get what you want

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

I’ve been having trouble sleeping.

It’s a big deal, really, because I will get startled for no particular reason in the middle of the night. The other day I found myself shivering and I wasn’t really cold, and of course this woke me up at about an hour after midnight.

“Don’t give up on your dreams," I say to myself every once in a while after I fall asleep.

But then my mind goes to work and I don’t know what I dream about but it doesn’t seem to be anything pleasant. After all, if I had lovely dreams instead of scary nightmares, then my sleep would surely be peaceful.

It’s important not to give up on your dreams for the future. More importantly, it is imperative that you not rely on other people to help you on your journey toward success.

Recently I had been counting the days for something good to happen. In my mind, I figured, rather incorrectly, that there was a good chance of a certain wonderful event happening. Surely it was inevitable. Now it doesn’t look likely at all.

What is the lesson here?



Darrin Atkins

Medium writer and content producer. Tips and ideas for writing success. Suggestions for you to make more money this year. Ways to get inspired to write more now