Reasons To Keep Smiling

Darrin Atkins
2 min readJan 7, 2023

There are so many good things in life for you

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

There are many reasons to smile. Sometimes it can be hard to remember them, so here are some reminders for you.

  1. Some people are wonderful. That’s right, it is really true and that is worth smiling about. Think back to the most pleasant friend you have ever had and enjoy the memories you have of them. Reach out to them.
  2. Good things can happen all the time. Did you ever have something miraculous happen in your life? Well, that can happen again. Seriously, you don’t know what great things are going to happen in your life, but I’m sure they are waiting for you.
  3. Fun can happen. Every day is a chance to have fun. It doesn’t have to cost any money. Go find someone who can bring life to a party and just enjoy yourselves.
Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Here are some other things that make life worth living.

  • Animals, especially pets like cats and dogs
  • Birds and the sounds they make
  • Lovely sunsets
  • Beautiful sunrises
  • Beaches
  • Mountains and camping



Darrin Atkins

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