Member-only story
Remember To Treat Yourself Every Once In A While
After all, you deserve nice things in life and you don’t have to deprive yourself of so much
The other day I had a cupcake.
I know, I know, I’ve been having trouble with my weight and health and I shouldn’t have done it.
But there was a very good reason for eating the cupcake. You see, it was either eat that little dessert or go get a third slice of wonderful Sicilian-style pizza that was incredibly, unbelievably delicious.
Aren’t you proud of me? I desperately wanted a third square (rectangle really) of that thick pasta pizza so much, but I steadfastly and confidently turned away.
Actually, I was so stuffed from two slices that I couldn’t eat another one if my future depended on it. I just couldn’t. No way.
Okay, I feel bad already about all of these decisions, but it was a party and I couldn’t just sit there and drink water.
You really have to join in with everybody else. Seriously, you know, because if you don’t eat then others might feel bad if you are not eating and nobody wants that.