Sticker Shock: Everything Is Expensive These Days

Darrin Atkins
3 min readMay 25, 2024

How to get bargains and save money

Photo by Marek Studzinski on Unsplash

Lately, I’ve come to the realization that it is too expensive for me to do a lot of things that we used to do.

Take last weekend. We went to a regular restaurant and the bill was around $65. Now to me that costs too much. I mean, come on, we could have stayed home and spent zero dollars.

Is there any way to save money and still go to restaurants and/or go on vacations? Yes, of course there is!

Recently, my brother has been sharing tips with me on how he saves money and stretches his dollar.

First, he shops at discount stores where he can get the costs low and there are lots of bargains. Yes, the food may not be as fresh as those in the big chains, but everything is perfectly edible and not expired.

Next, he sends me photos of his receipts. This is all just for fun, mind you, but it is also serious. His recent receipt showed that he bought two meals at a restaurant. One was free with a buy-one-get-one (BOGO) coupon. And part of the second meal was discounted because of loyalty points for that restaurant.

Third, he gets cash back from a lot of places where he shops. These add up and he redeems them for gift cards. He sends me photos of these from time to time.



Darrin Atkins

Medium writer and content producer. Tips and ideas for writing success. Suggestions for you to make more money this year. Ways to get inspired to write more now