Member-only story
The Medium Express Train To Viral View Station Is Now Boarding, So All Aboard!
Get your ticket now and get on board for more reads, views, comments, and shares
Are you ready for the express train to success?
Yes indeed!
Do you have your Medium ticket to ride and have you claimed your seat assignment?
The answer is yes for me!
I still believe in the Medium Express Train that can lead to more views, reads, comments and, yes, more money!
Why do I still believe?
Because Medium is still around and still giving opportunities for any writer who wants to get on board?
- Brand new writer? Here is a ticket for you.
- Seasoned contributor who is happy to mentor other writers? You get a ticket too.
- Hyper-competitive writer who seeks maximum exposure and high income? You are welcome to ride like everybody else!
What is so special about this express train that allows writers to make money while creating wonderful content? That’s like asking what is so great about a wonderful meal with…