Think Success Into Your Life

Darrin Atkins
3 min read3 days ago

Believe that good things will happen to you and then find ways to welcome them

Photo by Traworld Official on Unsplash

The other day I read about somebody who was having difficulty being hired for a position that the person wanted to get.

Week after week progressed, but no success.

Every single advertisement for that type of job was applied for, throughout a big city, and yet the person was not hired.

Times are tough.

It’s getting harder to get hired for a good job with benefits.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is definitely a factor, either because candidates can apply much faster and easier, or because AI is reviewing a lot of the applications and not liking them. Or maybe because full-time jobs are becoming scarce.

What can a person do if they hit a wall and cannot find employment?

There are recommendations that can be given, of course, and plenty of advice on the internet.

I think it’s important to remember to always be trying to think success into your life. If you have a job already or if you are trying to find one, it is important to always be looking for success and inviting it into your life.

Keep looking for good things all around you. Maintain your productivity and positivity. Keep a good attitude…



Darrin Atkins

Medium writer and content producer. Tips and ideas for writing success. Suggestions for you to make more money this year. Ways to get inspired to write more now