Write About Yourself

Darrin Atkins
2 min readAug 29, 2022

You have plenty of life lessons and personal experiences that are worth sharing with others

Photo by lilartsy on Unsplash

You are a great writing machine. That’s right, the content of you, yourself, and all of your personal experiences is rather important.

What’s great about you, you might ask?

I’m glad you asked. More likely than not, you have learned a lot in your life so far, and you are probably going to learn a lot more.

Everything that you have learned is a possible story or piece of content. There is so much to share.

Here are some ideas from your life that you can write about:

  • Relationship lessons
  • Money matters
  • Job and employment success
  • Decorating ideas
  • Cooking and kitchen tips
  • Networking
  • Business development
Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Think back to all of the times when you realized that you should have done things differently and what you learned about that. Right there. Consider that for a moment.

Soon you will realize that you will never again have to worry about coming up with an idea for new content or for a story. You have all of your life’s experiences to use.

Yes, you will have to share personal moments and give up something that you have not shared before. So long as you are comfortable about it, maybe consider it for a while. Then write away.



Darrin Atkins

Medium writer and content producer. Tips and ideas for writing success. Suggestions for you to make more money this year. Ways to get inspired to write more now