Member-only story
Writers: No Need To Overcomplicate Things
Let stories flow downhill like a raging river
The other day I was helping someone with a calculation, a rather simple one.
What was their answer?
It was so complicated. It had too much information. And it didn’t work at all.
What happened?
Well, honestly, the person was so used to using long, complicated formulas that they got flummoxed when presented with a simple question that uses an easy formula to remember.
Yes, it’s easy to get lost in complicated analysis. You’ve got data over here. You’ve got recommendations over there. And then you also have your own personal experiences.
My advice?
Calm down and take it easy. Relax a bit. Understand that, hopefully, some questions will be easy and not hard to find a solution.
It’s the same thing with writing stories and creating content. Writers, myself included, often go about things the wrong way. Maybe you want to add certain words for SEO optimization. Then maybe you want to write a story that you think lots of people will want to write. And then maybe you…